Soul Memory Discovery

A Spa Experience for your Soul

Remember who you are and why you’re here.

Soul-level healing

Hi Soul Searcher,

Do you have questions on your mind that long for answers? Have you been looking to connect deeper with your heart and soul? Would you love to experience incredible healing, rich insights, and unbelievable expansion?

Then you’re in the right place! :)

I would love to channel for you in a Soul Memory Discovery Session. This profound technique was developed by my beloved teacher, Ellen Kaufman Dossick, who inherited it from one of her great teachers. The energy of the session is hard to describe in words, but felt so tangibly when you’re in it. It is uplifting, refreshing, and enlightening. The #1 word my clients use to describe how they feel after a session is “clear”, followed closely by “grounded” and “at peace”.

Come experience the magic for yourself. I would love to facilitate this powerful modality for you.

What your session *may* include:

  • Aura Clearing

  • Energy Healing

  • Spirit Mediumship

  • Karmic Lesson Work

  • Mission and Purpose

  • Soul Mates and Twin Flames

  • Past Lives

  • Spirit Guide Connection

  • Individual Guidance and Processes

  • Any of the 40+ other methods I have been trained and certified in that live within our Soul Memory Discovery Book

*note: every session is unique and completely tailored to you and your soul’s journey. Above are examples of what we may cover, but the possibilities are truly endless and we won’t be guided to something that you are not ready for or inherently called to.

In a few words, how are you feeling after your session?

The Impact of my First SMD Session

When I had my first Soul Memory Discovery session in 2018, something profound shifted within me. Not only was a heavy spirit that was attached to me cleared, but my path became alight with clarity and direction like never before. It was as if before that session I was wandering, aimlessly searching, and now I had answers, a map, a focus, and a guiding light. I came to that session with so many questions, mainly, “What is going on in this picture I took?” (see above/to the right), but also “How can I be of service?”, “How do I get out of scarcity?”, and “How do I heal this immense pain, sadness, and loneliness within me?”. 

My first Soul Memory Discovery session showed me the way and set me on a path toward fully actualizing and embodying these deep desires on my heart. What happened in that session 6 years ago created a ripple and a timeline shift that allowed me to create a life connected to my soul, my truth, my purpose, my abundance, and so much peace, bliss, and love. There is always work to be done on the path, but who I am today compared to who I was in 2013 when my spiritual awakening was first activated, is truly night and day. This is why I believe in this work so much and this is why I believe, no matter where you are now, with the right determination and guidance you can completely transform your life. It is my honor and greatest passion to facilitate spaces where people can discover their soul’s truth, power, light, and love.

Let’s do the work together. 

Client Love